Fake Orgonites

How do you know if an orgonite pyramid is fake? Unfortunately, as the popularity in this field grows, so does the number of cheats in the world trying to make a quick $buck$ off of anybody they can. MOST Orgonite pyramids on Amazon, Etsy, and eBay are fakes mass produced in China or India. They can be purchased wholesale on Alibaba for between $1-$5, then they mark them up to $20-$50 and sell them to you while telling you it’s an authentic Orgonite.

The first thing to tip you off is the low price. With everything that goes into a genuine Orgonite pyramid, those prices mentioned above don’t even cover the cost of the materials. Our 4″-6″ Orgonite Pyramids have over $55.00 in materials that go into every single one of them.

The next is the most basic: An authentic Orgonite MUST have layers of metal along with the resin. Most of the pyramids on those sale sites are very pretty, but they don’t have the metal layers. Ideally, multiple layers. Our pyramids are made with a layer of iron dust with resin and a layer of copper dust with resin. Because the metals are in dust form, they fully mix with the resin, staying suspended. This creates many, many thin layers of metal, increasing the energy. Here’s a supposed “Orgonite” pyramid from Alibaba, and below it is marked up on Etsy and they even used the same picture:

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