Amethyst ball

Amethyst Orgonite Pyramid
This pyramid measures5″ X 5″ X 5″.

Items added, from the top:

  • 24K gold flakes; Gold symbolizes the purity of the spiritual aspect of “All That Is”.  It is symbolic of spirituality and development in the realm of complete understanding, allowing one to both attain and maintain communion with the source of all being. Gold helps manifest prosperity & wealth.
  • Amethyst Crystal Ball: The metaphysical properties of Amethyst are calmness, balance, and peace. People also use it to eliminate impatience. It is a meditative and calming stone that works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes. The Amethyst crystal properties are deeply connected to the third eye chakra, the center of spirituality and intuition, and the crown chakra, the chakra that governs our connection to the universe. These energy centers can be associated with the color purple, which helps to explain why Amethyst crystal is such a powerful stone to balance, open, and activate the third eye and crown chakras. When working with the Amethyst crystal healing properties to bring more peace, relaxation, and spiritual awareness into your life, you’ll begin to understand why Amethyst is one of the most popular and sought-after crystals around the world. 
  • 7 Chakra Stones; Balances the flow of Chakra in your body for optimal health.
    • Root Chakra (red): = Red Jasper = The family of gemstones called “supreme nurturers” is known for bringing compassion and support during stressful times. Red Jasper has a strong spiritual grounding vibration which is deeply soothing. The healing properties of this stone have been revered since ancient times.

    • Sacral Chakra (orange): = Carnelian = Believed to help timid speakers become both eloquent and bold. Ancient Warriors wore Carnelian around their necks for courage and physical power to conquer their enemies. In Egypt, it was worn by master architects to show their rank of Builder, and alchemists of the Middle Ages used it as a boiling stone to activate the energy of other Chalcedonies. Known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership, and courage, Carnelians have protected and inspired throughout history.

    • Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow): = Citrine = Citrine is an extremely positive stone and lights up any room with good energy and light. It is also capable of cleansing other crystals used for healing by simply being near them. Citrine brings great abundance to the wearer, attracts wealth, good health, and success, and encourages generosity and the sharing of one’s abundance without losing it. It is an instant mood booster and resolves conflict. It enhances self-confidence, self-esteem, and creativity.

    • Heart Chakra (green): = Green Aventurine = It helps to stay calm and focused, cleanses negative energies, and helps manage emotions effectively. Green Aventurine is also known as the stone of healing. It helps to heal wounds and emotionally recover from difficult times in life. Its beautiful green color can also help mitigate past traumas or stressors. Green Aventurine is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. It has been used as a talisman since the Neolithic period.
    • Throat Chakra (blue): Lapis Lazuli = Considered to be a protection from psychic attacks, bringing deep peace, and harmony, revealing inner truth, honesty, compassion, self-awareness, and self-expression. Because of its healing powers, Lapis lazuli is celebrated as being The Wisdom Stone. Lapis Lazuli crystal welcomes most of the truth, wisdom, and spiritual wonder and makes it into your inner peace.  It was loved by the pharaohs from Egypt thousands of years back.
    • Third Eye Chakra (indigo): Amethyst = Legendary powers to stimulate and soothe the mind and emotions. It has the ability to expand the higher mind and also enhances one’s creativity and passion. Amethyst provides a connection to the Divine, and its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments and creates a protective shield of Light around the body.
    • Crown Chakra (clear or white): = Clear Quartz = Known as “The Master Healer”, it can revive your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels. The stone acts as a purifier of the soul and, in turn, enhances intellectual abilities, helps in concentration, and improves memory. Overall, the crystal brings the body back into equilibrium by creating harmony between the chakras and aligning the spiritual body.
  • Flower Of Life sacred geometry: The Flower Of Life is the blueprint for everything in the universe. The Flower of Life starts with the Seed of Life shape: 7 overlapping circles that build outward, forming a flower-like pattern that has been used since ancient times in many cultures around the world. Said to be the basic template for everything in existence; all geometric forms can be found within it, including sacred geometry shapes like the Platonic Solids, Metatron’s Cube, and the Merkaba. The Flower of Life symbolizes creation and reminds us of the unity of everything: we’re all built from the same blueprint.  The spiritual significance of the flower of life can be intensively experienced when you are in quiet meditation, you can feel the connection with the unique source of being. You can see where your path goes, and above all, who you are. Life is always flowing and you are a part of it. If you know the spiritual meaning of the flower of life, then it can possibly lead you to divine inspiration.
  • Tensor Ring & Triskelion: The Tensor Ring & Triskelion are both cut to ¼  & ½ of the measurement of the “Ancient Lost Cubit” (59.67cm or 23.4921in).  The secrets of The Lost Cubit were always strongly guarded by the priesthood of Egypt and it was reserved exclusively for high initiates and Pharaoh himself. Therefore, there are no records of the Lost cubit to be found in orthodox historical records. The Lost Cubit is derived from the sum of the polar and equatorial circumferences of the Earth divided by the speed of light. The Lost Cubit therefore relates to cosmic harmonics in a special way. Due to its dual ability to resonate with cosmic energy frequencies and earth energy frequencies, The Lost Cubit is the secret key to extraordinary health and extreme longevity. The Lost Cubit has a natural resonant frequency of 177 megahertz which corresponds to the frequency of DNA, thereby facilitating DNA repair and the capability of consciously controlled DNA activation and ascension. It is becoming more widely accepted by scientists that DNA acts as an antenna for light energy, and therefore the harmonic frequencies of light and The Lost Cubit in particular, are vitally important aspects of the equation. The Lost Cubit resonates with our emotions and serves as an amplifier to more easily manifest whatever intention we focus upon. Within a Tensor Ring is an infinite source of energy that is neither electric nor magnetic with an output that is beneficial and healing to all life forms. It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to chaos, and easily stabilizes and equalizes the biomagnetic and energy fields of the body.  Tensor Fields produce a measurable gravitational effect. Tensor Technology is noted for its use in healing, energizing, and restructuring water, enhancing plant growth and vitality, and beekeeping, among thousands of other observations, including connectivity to the spiritual. Tensor Fields are science-based, though go far beyond the current scope and reality of most sciences. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of Scientific and Spiritual Technologies. The Triskelion represents balance, harmony and continual motion indicative of the flow of life and of the Earth in her seasons and cycles. The three spirals in the triskelion are interconnected with no open ends thus creating one continuous line; all spirals turn in the same direction. This symbol is found on many ancient carvings, the most famous of which is Newgrange in County Meath, Ireland, which dates back to 2500 BC. The symbol is carved into the rock at the main entrance and is one of the most famous stones in Megalithic art.  The same symbol is found engraved on one of the stones inside the chamber. Newgrange is best known for the illumination of its chamber by the Winter Solstice sun. Morning sunlight travels up the passageway. Then, as the sun rises, the whole chamber is dramatically illuminated.

Stones for Prosperity, Healing, Memory, & Manifestation:

  • Pyrite: “The Stone of Abundance” is often referred to as a stone of manifestation. This crystal gives us the power to manifest our desires into reality. It has a property to activate the wealth potential that lies hidden inside us. By encouraging us to believe in ourselves and our abilities it provides a beneficial boost of self-confidence, which naturally attracts success, prosperity, and abundance into our lives. One of the best crystals for good luck.
  • Amethyst:  Legendary powers to stimulate and soothe the mind and emotions. It has the ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. Amethyst provides a connection to the Divine, and its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments and creates a protective shield of Light around the body.
  • Green Jade:  Green Jade is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to promote physical and emotional well-being. It is said to be beneficial for the body, mind, and spirit, and can be used to treat a variety of conditions. This stone is also said to be helpful in treating emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, and fear. Green Jade is thought to be a powerful detoxifier and can help to cleanse the body of toxins. It is also said to be helpful in reducing inflammation and stimulating the immune system. Green Jade is a stone of abundance and is said to be helpful in attracting wealth, prosperity, and success. It is also said to be beneficial for goal setting and manifesting desires.
  • Labradorite: Labradorite is a semi-precious gemstone with a rich, earthy color. It has been used for thousands of years as an amulet to ward off evil spirits and protect its wearer from harm. In ancient times it was also thought to bring luck and prosperity to those who possessed it. Labradorite has long been used as an amulet to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm. It was also thought to bring happiness, courage, intuition, strength, and even invisibility to those who possess it.
  • Green Aventurine: Green aventurine is a healing crystal that can benefit the body, mind, and spirit. It’s known as the “stone of prosperity” and many people wear it to attract money or success in life. Aventurine has been used for centuries because of its ability to balance out energy flow, bringing harmony and peace. The stone can be used on any chakra point throughout the body but is especially effective on the heart chakra where it helps people feel loved, carefree, safe, and content with their lives. Aventurine also brings clarity to one’s thoughts so they are less likely to get lost in worries about what will happen tomorrow. It enhances creativity by bringing more love into everyday activities which then bring joy.
  • Red Jasper:  Red Jasper is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to improve overall health and well-being. It is known to strengthen the body, mind, and spirit, and can provide a number of benefits including increased energy and vitality, improved mental clarity and focus, and relief from stress and anxiety. Red Jasper is also thought to be a powerful protective stone that can help shield against negative energies and physical harm.
  • Clear Quartz:  Known as “The Master Healer”, it can revive your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels. The stone acts as a purifier of the soul and, in turn, enhances intellectual abilities, helps in concentration, and improves memory. Overall, the crystal brings the body back into equilibrium by creating harmony between the chakras and aligning the spiritual body.
  • Sea Shell:  Behind the Triskelion is a small sea shell that we found on the beach at Anclote Key, Florida. This is added to remind us of the beauty of nature.
  • Selenite:  (lower center of pyramid) Selenite is a mineral that has been used for healing and protection since ancient times. It was thought to bring peace, calm, and mental clarity. Selenite is extremely easy to cleanse and recharge, making it a popular mineral with those who use crystals. Selenite is a gentle, calming crystal that can be used to connect with one’s intuition and higher self. Selenite is known to be a powerful crystal for removing energy blocks and negative energy from the aura and body. It also helps to protect against psychic attacks. Using selenite crystals can be a powerful way to cleanse and activate all of the chakras, especially the Crown Chakra. Selenite is an excellent stone for anyone who needs spiritual protection. It facilitates self-reflection and exploration of one’s subconscious mind, revealing hidden issues that need to be addressed.
  • Iron & Copper shavings = The bottom two layers are copper shavings & iron shavings. When they are combined with the resin, create the orgonite.

How to use your Orgonite Pyramid

There are many ways to use the orgonite pyramid. However, the first thing you should do when you get an orgonite is to cleanse it, meditate with the object, set your intentions, and place it near you.

1.    Cleanse your orgone pyramid
2.    Meditate while holding the orgonite