Lost Cubit

Lost Cubit
177mhz frequency. Length = 59.67cm.

The Lost Cubit was discovered in April of 2000 by German astrophysicist Hans Becker and was extensively researched in the next ten years by the well-known metaphysical researcher Slim Spurling. The Lost Cubit is a previously unknown cubit length that fills a harmonic gap between the Sacred and Royal cubit lengths of Ancient Egypt. Research and calculations made by Becker indicate that the Lost cubit may have been deliberately omitted from ancient records due to its important and powerful esoteric significance.

The secrets of The Lost Cubit were always strongly guarded by the priesthood of Egypt and were reserved exclusively for high initiates and Phaoroh himself. This is why there are no records of the Lost cubit to be found in orthodox historical records.

The Lost Cubit is derived from the sum of the polar and equatorial circumferences of the Earth divided by the speed of light. The Lost Cubit, therefore, relates to cosmic harmonics in a special way. Due to its dual ability to resonate with cosmic energy frequencies and earth energy frequencies, The Lost Cubit is the secret key to
extraordinary health and extreme longevity.

The Lost Cubit has a natural resonant frequency of 177 megahertz which corresponds to the frequency of DNA, thereby facilitating DNA repair and the capability of consciously controlled DNA activation and ascension. It is becoming more widely accepted by scientists that DNA acts as an antenna for light energy, and therefore the harmonic frequencies of light and The Lost Cubit in particular are vitally important aspects of the equation.

The Lost Cubit Tensor Field is a lot stronger than the Royal-or-Sacred Cubit. This frequency mainly works on the mental, emotional, and ethereal aspects of life. It has a calming and soothing effect. Works well against pain. Helps bring the brain in balance. Nice to meditate with. Element earth and aether. A horizontal energy. Works on the third, fourth and sixth chakras. Balanced feminine and masculine energy. Works perfectly against a polluted environment. Plants love this frequency. Very good for schools. Works very well when paired with the Sacred Cubit and with the Lost Cubit.